Ta-Da! An afternoon of blog 101 coached by the ever-patient team of Jen & Sheila may be just the boot this potential blogger needed. I swore to all of you that I really didn't have that much to say - but - as you all know, a major event was in our neck of the woods this past weekend which brought to town not only our very own glass artist duo but also daughter #1 who all together kept me up late hours and too early mornings. So I guess sometimes I do have something to talk about after all.
It was so much fun to 'work' with my fav vendors - as many of you already know you have an entirely diff perspective from behind the table. Needles went flying out of the booth and my fav customer was an 11yo young lady who returned on day #2 to show us she had already cast on. Sorry not to have her pic for she touched my heart.
It was lots of fun. We missed all of you that were not here, hope to see you soon. How about coming to Maryland next year for the show.
hi jackie!
thanks for the ms$w report!
welcome to blogland!!
Yeah! You did it! And what a great field report. I miss you already!
Hi Jackie,
it's nice to meet Jen's mum in the ether!
WElcome to blog land, Jackie! Nice to know we won't have to wait for your visits to hear what's going on with you!
- Jen's friend, Kim
Great report! It's so nice to have you joining us in Blogland. Hooray!
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